Sunday, September 1, 2013

Pine Mountain Road has re-opened as of 08/30

Pine Mountain Road finally reopened two days ago. A nice new ribbon of asphalt weaves upward where car eating sink holes and tooth rattling washboard once reigned. Of course the flip side of paving a road is the increased traffic it will soon see. Getting the Prius up the mountain is now not only possible but easily accomplished. No new camp sites, facilities or other amenities have been added and the camping situation there still seems pretty lezes faire as long as you post the Adventure Pass on your vehicle.
So boulderers rejoice, better late than winter for the reopening of our local high country. Somebody needs to bring a new spiral pad up to the Reyes register FWI.
Enjoy some pics from 09/01/13. I went with the Ansel Adams hi-contrast B&W today.


  1. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing.
    Please clarify the "Adventure Pass" requirement, as it has been lifted in many areas of Los Padres, unless using an improved campground.
    My purpose is day parking for photography.

    Jim Tucker, Ventura

  2. James, you are correct that the Adventure Pass is on its way out in Southern California. An argument was successfully made recently in an Arizona court that their version of the pass was a form of double taxation because we already pay for access to public lands with our taxes. I have been cited several times for no Pass and ignored the $5 ticket without consequence. Enforcement of the Pass is typically higher during hunting season (now) and in camper friendly areas such as Pine Mountain, Grade Valley and especially in the immediate Santa Barbara backcountry. -DS
