Man, days like these are why it's worth living in SoCal. Simply gorgeous. I had initially thought about going to Chief's Peak but changed my mind on the fly...on a day this nice I had to opt for Matilija. I'm glad I did.
As I was walking in, good old Buzz was driving out in his retired military Humvee. I waved. He didn't. After that the day was all good. The walk started amidst a clamor of birds greeting one another at the start of the day. A bit later I spooked a large covey of quail. I saw fourteen ground squirrels as I strolled through the Blue Heron ( counting these squirrels is a hobby of mine; the record is 26 squirrels in 5 minutes). I thought it interesting that this particular population of rodents doesn't look skyward very often or they would have noticed a pair of mature red-tails circling overhead.
Is buzz still denying access to hikers?, I plan to go there this Saturday 04-02-11 can I still go through blue heron, or do I have to walk up the creek??